Sunday, March 24, 2019

March PiE meeting minutes

March 21, 2018 Meeting
7:15-8:00 pm
Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Jim Goldsmith, John Pontius, Suzan Locke, Tanya Jones,  Mary Hong, Aubrey Gardner, Suzie McCoy, Anita Howard, Doug Stewart
1.    Welcome and Introductions
2.    Family Dance
·         Raised $4,300, best event ever!  Thank you everyone, especially sponsors!
·         Feedback-suggestions for next year
o   Raffle baskets-more outdoor themed baskets aimed toward Men such as: BBQ items, outdoor theme for camping, hunting, etc. Food baskets containing pies, cakes, fruit bars, breads, etc.
o    separating baskets into grade not class. Some baskets were so large they could have been separated into 2 baskets.
·         Select next year’s theme-Student contest/Student vote- suggestion box
·         Separating revenue having a lock box
·         Need more loose change specifically, $150 in ones
·         Corporations such as Costco and Shaw’s will donate but will need 30 days prior notice
·         Increase Ice cream containers-Vanilla ice cream ran out early.
3.    Screenagers- (John)
·         March 26th, Door open at 6:45 screening at 7:00pm to 8:30pm in the flex space. Discussion following the video.
·         Refreshments served by PiE
·         Lots of interest from parents, many parents are bringing students
·         Screenings for grades 5-8 throughout the week.
4.    Apparel Fundraiser (Tanya)
·         Lots of interest from students who previously bought sweatshirts.
·         Online store: trucker hat, short sleeve, sport tech, sweatshirt
o Contest to design or creative graphic
o Someone to design front (color green or grey, logo)
o Orders will likely be sent to the school for pick up.
·         Fundraiser should roll out in late August, early September.
5.    Lake Monster Fundraising Update
·         Jamie Cudney is leading, thank you Jamie!
·         Tentative sales dates May 6-24
·         Event date:  Wednesday, 6/19 7:05 game v. HV Renegades
·         K/ 1st grade “Take me out to the Ballgame”, school band (may) play national anthem
·         May do 50/50 raffle, Jamie to confirm
·         Want to help?  contact Jamie
6.    Staff Appreciation-
·         Possible dates: 5/7 or 5/14, 4:00 gathering at HCS then food at  Hinesburg Public House to follow
·         Activity Ideas: Massages, Breakfast coffee, chalk art or note for teacher (if weather is nice) on the sidewalk and walk way up to the school, Cards to teachers.
7.    Open Mic
·         Grant follow up-
o Jim reports there have not been many requests for money for grants.
o There may be a delay from the book keeper
o Jim will send an email to administration
·         Graduation-
o Questions: Does PiE contribute to 8th grade graduation?
o No, there will be a Slide show, 7/8 grade Dance that follows, 7th grade parents provide decorations and refreshments.
·         8th grade Montreal trip-
o Every year the question arises: ‘should PiE contribute?’
PiE has not donated funds in the past.
·         Reflections from administration on district consolidation
o comprehensive 10-year plan is being designed with administration and Tim Peete the head of facilities
o equity funds will contribute to:
§  Maker Space
§   score board in the gym
§  gym floor will be repainted and relined
·         Administration will check into timeline of repaving of parking lot.
·         Pilot vacation meal bags-
o  School counselor and social workers gather a list to target 10 families and generate a letter to families inquiring level of interest next week. Once this list is generated, meal bags will be discretely put into student’s cubby’s/lockers Every Friday until end of the year.

Upcoming Activities
·         Tuesday, 3/26/19 Screenagers Community viewing at HCS 6:45-8
·         Thursday, 4/18/19 PiE meeting: Staff Appreciation

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