Wednesday, August 26, 2020

August 2020 PiE Meeting Minutes

PiE meeting 

Tuesday, September 8th at 7 pm on Zoom

Attendance: Jenny Wilkinson, Kristin Niebur, Aubrey Gardner, Mary Hong, colleen, Amanda Webb, Heather Caulfield, Jessica Mason, Althea Beagley, Julie Zack, Becky Alford, Kim Gordon

Welcome to the new school year! 

  • Introduce Steering Committee- everyone turn on their mic and video and say hello and ages of their kids

  • Vote on Steering Committee (Jenny to use the poll feature on Zoom)

    • Nominated for Co-Chairs: Kristin Niebur and Jenny Wilkinson-Voted in Unanimously

    • Nominated for Treasurer: Aubrey Gardner - Voted in unanimously

    • Nominated for Secretary: Mary Hong - Voted in Unanimously

  • Thank you to Aimee Frost and Jim Goldsmith for many years of service to PiE and HCS!  Once Aubrey has signing privileges from the bank, 2 gift certificates from Good Times will be purchased. 

  • Focus for the year: helping kids, school, community however we can

    • Please send in your ideas for PiE this year? 

    • What we have in the works:

Creemee coupons from Papa Nick’s for kids Tuesday, 9/15, and Thursday, 9/17. A flyer will go out in The Viking Friday.

  • Spirit wear site - Tanya Jones has spearheaded this in the past and is interested in doing so again this year.  - Kristin has emailed the administration to verify we can set up a table at the school for people to pick up spirit wear.

  • Pumpkin sales (early October) Full moon Farm have donated pumpkins in the past. Kristin has emailed the administration to verify we can set up a table at the school for people to pick up pumpkins.

  • Meadow Farms fundraiser (early November) formerly Genevieve’s

  • Our intention for this year’s fundraisers is to have no touch payment system: square, Venmo, or checks

  • Survey-Questions to generate interest for parents to get involved. This survey will go out in the next PiE E-Newsletter.

  • Update of the budget- Money is currently distributed to field trips, grants, food insecurity, 

  • Monthly meetings via Zoom: second Tuesday at 7 pm


    • Leah Costello-pediatrician, Counselor

Question: What is the history of the backpack program

Answer: There is a Food closet for snacks, vacation snack bags for backpacks, etc. Because the USDA is funding a free lunch program,  PiE’s focus could be on hats, coats and clothes for the school nurse Shelly for her to distribute?

Question: Is there anything for the outside education space.

Answer: There was a general question from the administration and the kindergarten teachers to create an outdoor learning space. This request was promoted in Front Porch Forum and through the listserve. The kindergarten team has requested to table this and come back to it in a few weeks.

Colleen offers her expertise and resources in this area of professional development for educators with this project.

Please add your name and email to chat or email if you would like to be added to our listserv

Next meeting: 10/13/20

 PiE Meeting Zoom Minutes 8/26/20 7-8:45

In Attendance: Jessica Mason, Kristin Neibur, Jenny Wilkinson, Aubrey Gardner, Julie Zack, Amanda Webb

 Introduction of Steering Committee:

Co Chairs: Jenny Wilkinson & Kristin Neibur

Treasurer: Aubrey Gardner

Secretary: Mary Hong

  • ·       Our goals for this unusual year-
    •       Help school with whatever they need- Continue to reach out to teachers needing help with outdoor classrooms.
    • Focus on staff appreciation- Kristin suggests lunches, chocolates, etc. These can be promote on social media  

·       Fundraising

o    Meadow Farms: Kristin will spearhead

      Send Flyers to kids attending hybrid model. emails to remote learners 

  • Option 1: send money in to school ship to school.
  •   Option 2: digital flyers, digital payment, ships to buyers home, but they need         to pay shipping.
  •   Option 3 flyers home, digital payment, ships to buyers home, but they need             to pay shipping.

o   Pumpkin Sales- Jenny has a lead on someone to lead this, she will reach out

    "free money"- Box Tops, Amazon Smile, etc.

      •      Mary will ask Libby to post a link in The Viking for a volunteer to lead this.

·       Our plans for next few weeks:

o   Organize an ice cream truck: Jess (Thanks Jess!)

     Jess will Contact The Scoop & Lake Champlain Chocolates for Monday, Sept 7th in early evening, afternoon? Or first Friday the week of school. Alternative to ice cream truck: coupons to Papa Nicks to keep it local.

o   PiE signs: Kristin contacted Deb at the front office. Kristin will email Tim directly to hang up PiE signs at school entrances for first day.

o     Staff Appreciation: Instead of breakfast for staff, Kristin delivered Chocolates delivered to teachers and staff as welcome back.  

    • ·   PiE survey to families? 
      •     Jess and Mary will update and send out to to email list and advertise in newsletter and The Viking.
    •       Reaching out to new families
      •        Class parent/grade parent-ask for emails from classmates’ parents
      •  Reach out to Libby to put in a link in The Viking.

    • Next MeetingMary will reach out to Libby to advertise in The Viking “Back to            School PiE Pop In."

    •   Monthly PiE meetings Choose Tuesday for Zoom meeting 7-8
    •   2nd Tuesday is HCS Board meetings. Invite staff to invite to meetings such as Guidance Counselors and Leah Costello/Tallman


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

February 2020 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes: February 20, 2020, 7:00-8:00pm

Attendance: John Pontius, Aimee Frost, Mary Hong, Aubrey Gardner,Kristin Niebur, Jim Goldsmith


Family Dance - Friday, March 6th “Space is the Place”

  • Baskets- Aimee will connect with Deb L. about getting baskets
  • Help with “Light Snacks”
    • Mary will Contact: Good Times and Papa Nicks re: pizza donations, Cabot, Lantman’s for veggie platter
  • Finalize coordination of younger kid activities
    • Mary will contact Megan Cluver & Jackie Loomis at Hinesburg Nursery School to request play materials such as Legos, cars/ramp. 
    • John will ask Student Council for volunteers to head this night of the dance.
  • Other:
    • Promotion: Kristin will continue to advertise on social media, Mary will add to next eNew letter, Please spread the word!
    • John will put up tape in front of gym doors to avoid kids going outside and in front of bathrooms. 
    • John will get Aimee a school iPad for store set up by next week and verify the password for her. 
    • Cash box and change will be needed for advance ticket sales. 3 cash boxes would be helpful.

Transition Planning

  • A small group of parents will meet on 3/9. The purpose of this meeting is to generate ideas for the PiE steering committee moving forward- Contact Mary Hong if you would like to join this meeting
  • Aimee has a lead on a treasurer.
  • Jim will compile a monthly to do list of the treasurer position
  • Mary will add a description of web designer & president positions to eNew letter
  • Mary has volunteered to continue as secretary

Snack Pilot

  • Rachel Kring has volunteered to write a SCHIPS grant for the snack pack program- this Grant is due April 15th (Thank you Rachel!)
  • The snack program is featured on the PiE web page, but a, “donate now” button is not working.

PiE Directory

  • The goal is to have this compiled by the end of April

Spirit wear

  • Idea to promote quarterly with signs in the school, on social media and in the Enews Letter. Order date deadlines need to be set for 2020/2021

Upcoming Activities
  • March 6th- Family Dance
  • March 19th- PiE Meeting
  • April 16th- PiE Meeting
  • April-Distribute PiE Directory
  • April/May & June- Lake Monsters (Jamie Cudney to lead)
  • May 4-8th- Staff Appreciation, 1 week of activities (Aubrey Gardner to lead)
  • May - Retiring Staff Book Dedication

PiE’s mission is to develop and nurture a partnership between families and Hinesburg Community School so that the parents/guardians and teachers may cooperate in the intuectual, physical and social development of each child. Hinesburg Community School 10888 route 116 Hinesburg, VT 05461