Thursday, October 5, 2017

September 21, 2017 Monthly PiE Meeting

September 21, 2017
PiE Monthly Meeting
Meeting – Aimee called to order at 6:45.

In attendance: Kristin Miskavage, Melissa Levy, Amanda Wheeler, Anita Howard, Jamie Cudney, Becky Alford, Elisabeth Garvey, Julie Zack, Kitty Frazier, Aimee Frost, Jeff O’Hara, Suzan Locke, Kate Dodge, Jim and Catherine Goldsmith, Kim Gordon

Jeopardy – Our group was divided into two teams to compete for Extreme PiE Jeopardy. Kristin moderated; two teams had a fierce competition and fun had by all! Jeopardy concluded at 7:05

PiE Teams - Aimee introduced the concept of the various teams and invited all to take a look at the descriptions and sign-up sheets for all. A short discussion about each of the teams followed. All were encouraged to spread the word to all community members to get involved.

Under the Enrichment Team, Discussion about Odyssey of the Mind; Jeff had some experience with it in South Burlington; HCS would need to find parent volunteer to spearhead; large and lengthy commitment. Charlotte annually fields a team and if a parent was interested in spearheading, we could make a connection with the Charlotte folks.

For more information about the program in Vermont, go to

Under the Community Education Team – bringing info to parents and teachers – info and agenda from the CVSD Board; is there info /education that can be either brought to HCS or advertised to HCS so parents can attend. Common topics are listed on the “Board Work Plan”  - on CVSD website – go to Board Work Plan and look for common topics. 3rd Tuesday of each Month – common topic presented at 6 pm. All invited!

Harvest Dinner is Nov. 2nd. Jr Iron chef from CVU will prepare and work with cafeteria here. Essential Arts  is NOT part of this dinner. It will be part of the K– 4 open house on 9/28.

Connected Youth Program  (Christine Llyod Newbury) is planning a possible parent night presentation in October.  HCS to confirm so that PiE can help promote.

Question from audience – is there a way that parents contribute to school planning without administrators? Nothing official, but Jeff and Suzan would like parent involvement and contribution. Could the “Hopes and Dreams” Team assist in this in any way? What is the goal of this team? Could one of the teams be melded to contribute in this role (Jeff). Nothing in the works yet, but could potentially work out.

Suzan - Open House – September 28th – 45 minutes of curriculum shared in each classroom; last 45 minutes is Pie from PiE! 5:30 – 7:00. 5:30 - 6:15 - parents can visit their children’s classrooms as well as the EA rooms. PiE will start serving dessert at 6:15 and continue to 7:00. EA is also open for all grades levels. (Kate recommends – ask Barb Spaulding to see if Student Council can help serve the PIE and ice cream.)

Pumpkin Sale – starting Thursday night and continuing through the weekend. A sign-up genius has been sent out.

Kate – discussion about how students from HCS are prepared for CVU – academically ready and happy!

Final business:
Nominations for PiE Steering Committee:
Chair – Aimee Frost nominated, seconded and voted in
Treasurer - Jim Goldsmith nominated, seconded and voted in
Secretary – Kitty Frazier, nominated, seconded and voted in

PiE Team Leaders
Melissa Levy – staff grants; Amanda Wheeler – Garden; Kim Gordon – Genevieve’s Fundraiser

Geneveive’s will be starting next week. Has online component that all should take advantage of.

Jim Goldsmith explained the new E-version of Buy Local coupon book. Can gift to everyone! JIm will provide more details as they become available!

Fundraising amounts have been dropping over the last few years. Encourage everyone to look for new ways to fundraise. Moving away from selling too many things to doing events.
Kim Gordon presented “Free Money” – ways to make money for the school that don’t cost anything – box tops, promotions etc.

New PiE webpage – under construction; will be linked from main page shortly.

Student directory will be made possible by parent volunteer – out soon!

Jim Goldsmith provided snacks - Thanks Jim!
Meeting adjourned – 7:45

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

PiE Meeting Minutes – Planning Meeting 4/20/17

Attending: Suzan Locke, Jeff O’Hara, Jim Goldsmith, Aimee Frost, Lisa Ayer, Tanya Jones, Kim Gordon, Kate Dodge, Stacy Riley, Rachel Kring

Welcome & Intros

7th/8th Grade Staffing Discussion (handout) - Jeff

·         Jeff explained the three forms of teacher licensure to illustrate what considerations came into play when deciding staffing for next year
·         Principals considered who should go where, based on teachers’ licensure and endorsement/s, and all teachers are placed in positions they are qualified to teach
·         Teacher assignment is up to the administrators, and they consider many factors and scenarios: e.g., how teams work together, who has what licensure, individual strengths of teachers
·         Jeff gave the group some context for how staffing decisions progress throughout the school year:
o   Staff can let the Board know about retirement in November
o   Teacher contracts are made in the middle of March
o   Beginning of April the administration starts to look at the roster in depth
·         Questions from parents about the decision making process for the 7th and 8th grade teams:
o   How long ago did some educators last teach the content they will be focusing on next year?
§  With proficiency based learning (PBL), many content areas are integrated, so administrators feel confident that though some teachers may not have exclusively taught certain content they are still very qualified, based on licensure and their integration of many content areas through PBL
o   Whyare there only two teachers for the 8th grade vs. three teachers for the 7th grade?
§  For the past four years there has been one team of teachers for both grades, and part of what informed theswitch was that the teachers and felt it would benefit the students to split up grades 7 and 8
§  From a parent perspective, it was nice to have 7th and 8th grade mixed  so the kids could learn from each other and have some variety, since many of the kids are together since kindergarten
o   At this impressionable age it would also be great to have a male teacher as a role model in the 8th grade. Was that a consideration?
§  While administrators agree that the concept is a good one, it is hard to do in practice:
·         HCS cannot discriminate in hiring
·         Statistically, out of 94 applicants for the first and fifth grade positions, only 5 were male
·         The most important factor for the administration is that HCS hires the most qualified applicants
§  Parents would love for the administration to continue to explore other ways to bring that male/female teacher balance, maybe with other existing staff members
o   Had the administration considered splitting a teacher between the grades?
§  School had done that in the past, but it didn’t seem there was great cohesion using this model

Principal Update (handout)

·         The principals are excited to announce new teacher hires for next year:
o   first grade, Lauren Mear; Fifth grade, Emily Fisher; Seventh grade science, Greer Krembs
·         Who do upper grade parents ask if there are questions or comments about child’s placement, since they don’t fill out the placement forms?
§  Please contact principals with any questions or concerns

Staff Appreciation

o   Talked last PiEmeeting about consolidating activities and doing one big event in mid-May
o   Aimee talked with the Hinesburgh Public House and they are open to hosting an event
o   PiE is considering increasing the budget for this, but there are a few considerations:
o   Need to get a head count
o   PiEwouldprovide appetizers and do cash bar
o   Talked about doing a Tuesday after 4:00; could also do a Friday and ask the Public House to open early
o   Offer Public House event and also something else at school for those who can’t make it – breakfast?
o   Aimee is reaching out to parents who said they were interested in planning teacher appreciation; anyone else interested in helping is welcome!

Parent Learning & Education

o   A lot of good feedback from parents who attended the CVU learning night about digital media safety
o   The approach advocated by the presenter is good to start early – e.g., discussing family values
o   HCS is considering a follow up event – timing will likely be 2017/18 school year
o   The CVU presentation didn’t address concerns specific to HCS, but administrators are having those conversations with staff and kids
o   A few parents expressed that they would like to be part of that conversation that’s happening at school and learn more about what’s being recommended to students
o   When to have conversation – sooner the better
o   Kids are on devices very early
o   May be a very different conversation with a k-2 student vs an older student
o   PiE will put this topic on the calendar for a fall parent learning night
o   Parent suggested maybe there someone on the HCS staff who could facilitate a video screening/conversation with parents at HCS
o   Catherine Goldsmith and Sarita Baker are interested in helping to plan an event
o   Aimee reached out to Christine Lloyd-Newberry to see what other schools are doing
o   A topic talked about at the consolidated school board recently: stress for kids from traumatic events
o   How to make kids feel safe and have needs met so they can learn
o   Teachers take time to build relationships before the academic learning starts
o   Consider for next year:
o   Would there be a way to involve parents and community members in what teachers are learning about helping kids through major stress at home?
o   It was discussed that HCS staff would benefit from this presentation; maybe hold after Tuesday teacher learning

Fundraising Update

o   Champ coming to HCS Friday 4/21
o   VT Comedy Divas fundraiser is coming up May 19 at Cedar Knoll
o   Decided to charge $20 per ticket, and people can buy tickets ahead of time
o   Have tons of great raffle prizes – golf, nails, photographer, hotel stay, gift certificates, and more!
o   Parent suggested there could be a putting contest
o   Need volunteers to make some calls for the raffle – please contact Tanya at
o   Talk it up and help sell some tickets!
o   Fifth grade crankie is being performed now: – PiE supported this project with a grant

Garden Plans- Suzan

o   Put a call for help in the Viking, and volunteers are looking for parents to contribute plants this year, as we’re doing things on a smaller scale (not starting seeds)
o   Please help spread the word!
o   Sent a garden survey to the staff to see how it fits with curriculum and how they would like to help
o   Imagine would like to keep up the beds in the summer
o   Amanda Wheeler and Amanda Pacelli have stepped up to lead the effort – thank you both!
o   Parent suggested garden coordinators could reach out to Red Wagon to see if they would post a “wish list” for people to donate plants to the HCS garden

End of Year Activities

o   In the past we’ve done an end of year picnic
o   Could make it a volunteer appreciation event – both PiE and school wide
o   Will talk more next month
o   Retirees – Jim to lead effort: talk with retirees to see which book they would like to be dedicated to the library in their name

2017/18 Planning Meeting in May

o   To plan for next year May 30 at 5:30 – in Burlington, location TBD

2017/18 PiE Steering Committee Commitments

o   Rachel stepping down from secretary role
o   Contact PiE co-chairs or Rachel if you would like to learn more about the role
o   All are asked to think about PiE commitments for the upcoming school year

Other Business

o   Green Up Day – Hinesburg Town Conservation Commission is looking to partner with the school
o   Stacy going to sponsor a prize for classroom participation
o   Stay tuned for details about a video contest
o   School Board transition to consolidated SU board
o   Current HCS board is responsible for the current budget
o   New SU board has been meeting to be in place for July 1, 2017
o   Audit happens after June, so current HCS board will be involved until December 31
§  After that, some HCS board members may like to stay involved in the school by coming to PiE meetings
§  Some HCS board members could also be asked to serve on committees of the consolidated board
o   Now that we’re a unified school district, families can apply to attend a different school in the supervisory union – application due by April 30
§  Doesn’t necessarily mean child will be accepted – based on enrollment numbers

Upcoming Events

·         April 17-May 19 – Lake Monsters ticket sales for “Hinesburg Night at the Ballpark” in July 2nd
·         May – Staff Appreciation
·         May 18 – May PiE Meeting
·         May 19 – Vermont Comedy Divas fundraiser at Cedar Knoll. Details to come.
·         May 30 – 2017/18 Planning Meeting w/ PiE and principals
·         June 16 – Last day of school

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

PiE Planning Meeting 3/16/17

Attending: Aimee Frost, Suzan Locke, Jeff O’Hara, Jim Goldsmith, Tanya Jones, Kate Dodge, Rachel Kring

Principal Update

·         The full update can be viewed here
·         New this month: grade level updates from teachers
·         Kudos to PiE for the successful Family Dance – it was a great event! Thank you to everyone who contributed. A special thank you to Jenny Wilkinson and Elisabeth Garvey for organizing the event and to Jen Morton and Alex Koncewicz for organizing the basket raffle!
·         Update on hiring: Applications are being accepted for a 7th grade science teacher and for 1st and 5th grade classroom teachers; there have been a lot of applicants (about 80 for one of the positions so far), and the interview process will be starting in the next few weeks
·         Kindergarten Registration April 13 & 14
o   Families should call the main office to make an appointment

Garden Plans

·         Aimee Frost, Suzan Locke and Amanda Pacilli met with previous garden leaders, Heidi and Susan to get an understanding of what’s needed to operate the garden
o   Amanda will put a calendar/timeline together and see what supports and volunteers are needed to put that into action
·         We also need to look at what the long term plan for the garden will be as far as leadership, school support, parent involvement, etc.
·         We won’t be able to do “Seed and Sample” day this spring, given the tight timing, but garden volunteers will come up with something on a smaller scale to do with individual classes
·         Jeff O’Hara offered to investigate a partnership with CVU, thinking that perhaps high schoolers could help with the garden
o   Could be part of the Grad Challenge required of students
o   May also be a tie in if there is a club at CVU with an outdoor interest
·         The garden team should also coordinate with Imagine this year for summer maintenance
o   This had happened in the past successfully

PiE Spring Grant Distribution

·         We discussed whether or not we should fund any fall grants that were submitted in fall 2016 but didn’t receive funding, as there were not as many spring grants this cycle
o   The decision was that PiE would hold off on spending, as fundraising is a little behind where we intended to be
o   Principals also assured the group that teachers are encouraged to come to them if there is a need
·         Do we just do one round of grants early in the year for the 2017/18 school year?
o   It was agreed that we should offer a big round in October
o   Some advocated that we keep a smaller pot of money for the spring, as teachers may not know right away in the fall what the needs are

Fundraising Update

·         We’ve raised about $14,000 so far
·         A Vermont Comedy Divas evening is lined up at Cedar Knoll for May 19 – a stand up comedy/social event for parents – save the date!
o   Hope to sell 120 tickets – we get 60% of all tickets
o   Brainstorming something else we can do during the event – offer a few silent auction items?
o   Will check with Cedar Knoll if we can get a percentage of drink sales; they are also donating the space
o   Putting details together like snacks
·         The frequency of fundraising reminders to parents was raised
o   In some neighboring schools, parents are constantly reminded about fundraising
§  Some agreed that many reminders to busy parents are helpful, and others cautioned that we don’t want to inundate people with fundraising all of the time, as there was some push back about PiE being too much about fundraising in the past
§  At the same time, most parents seem to understand that fundraising benefits our kids
o   Could we remind parents about contributing (e.g., have a link if people can’t make it to event but want to donate)?
§  Meeting participants agreed that we should look into accepting credit card donations, and including links to donate when we put out a communication
§  Quite a few people may contribute rather than buy items or if they can’t make it to an event
o   Fundraising could take on new meaning with a consolidated school budget – fundraising money stays locally, so parents may feel more apt to donate

Student Directory

·         For the 2017/18 school year families will have the option to opt out of a schoolwide directory instead of opting in as in the past
o   This will streamline the process to get information into the directory and to get it out to families in a timely manner so they can utilize it during the school year
o   The opt-out will be a question on the forms sent home to families over the summer (health forms, photo release, etc.)
·         The second week of Oct. will be the deadline to opt out, and PiE will communicate that to families at the end of this school year and again in the fall
o   A connect 5 message can also be sent to families to remind them of the deadline
·         Kate Dodge to create form; Suzan and Jeff agreed that there was more time to create the form but should plan to have form done in May (rather than March)

Schedule 2017/18

·         A separate meeting will be held with PiE officers and the principals to plan for the next school year and get dates on the calendar - Tuesday, May 30, potluck dinner at 5:30

Staff Appreciation

·         We discussed doing something different for teachers instead of morning coffee at grant time (e.g., an event at the Public House after work)
o   Morning events are hard for teachers when they’re coming in getting ready for the day and focused on what needs to be done before students arrive
·         People have signed up with interest in coordinating staff appreciation – thank you, and we’ll be in touch!
·         Aiming for a single day this year, possibly with a morning treat, special thank yous throughout the day and a special after school treat/social

Parent Learning Event

·         PiE had been considering a couple topics and speakers, and it turns out that a timely topic the principals would like the school to offer is an evening about social media and internet safety geared toward parents of adolescents
o   This seems to be a topic coming up with some parents, and the principals want to make sure parents are informed so they can talk with their kids
o   This parent evening would be offered before the April break for just parents, without students
o   There will be a presentation by school staff with time for Q & A
§  Advice to leave more time for questions, as PiE has gotten that feedback about events
o   School does internet safety with younger kids, too, but in a more basic way; this evening would be specifically geared to parents of adolescents and some of the specific challenges, concerns and questions coming up for families raising kids in the digital age
o   PiE has offered to support this effort in lieu of offering a separate parent educational evening

Upcoming Events

·         April 17-May 19 – Lake Monster ticket sales for “Hinesburg Night at the Ballpark” on July 2
·         April 20 – PiE Planning Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Flex Space
·         May 19 – Vermont Comedy Divas fundraiser at Cedar Knoll. Stay tuned for details!