Wednesday, November 7, 2018

October PiE meeting minutes

Pie October Meeting
HCS Flex Space
7-8:30 pm
Meeting Minutes

In attendance: Aimee Frost, Suzan Locke, John Pontius, Jim Goldsmith, Jenny Wilkinson, Jamie Cudney, Mary Hong, Anita Howard, Aubrey Gardner, Julie Zack, Doug Stewart, Kim Gordon

Notes from our Principals:
·         PR for meetings
o   Aimee will put the sign out on Pie meeting week to remind parents.
o   Add Pie meeting announcements in the Viking
·         Pie grants:
o   Suzan and John are involved to preview grants before they go to the committee to set aside those that can be addressed through school funds.
o   Melissa will send Suzan and John the details of what information is needed on the grant application. Applicants will be expected to contribute a detailed written explanation on the application in lieu of coming to the Pie meeting.
Family Support Discussion- Opportunity to generate balance of filling a unique need but not duplicating what is out there. Does not have to be a monetary donation but community supports.
1.    Food insecurity-Meal balance due. Available for families who are eligible but not applying for free and reduced lunch.
a.    Getting the word out to those who may qualify for free and reduced lunch.
b.    Support is available to assist parents fill out forms for free and reduced breakfast/lunch.
                                         i.    Hinesburg does not qualifies for grants because of number of free and reduced lunch.
c.    District is addressing food issues would need to coordinate.
d.    Backpack program- Hunger Free VT is the contact –
Steps to take:
                                         i.    Focus is for families in need over the weekend.
                                        ii.    Parents would coordinate (pack bags, distribute to teachers) and a staff would distribute to students in need.
                                       iii.    Suzan and John will meet with teachers, school social workers, school counselors, and Deb to support identifying families in need.
                                       iv.    Mary will put a request for parent volunteers in the Pie e-news letter to recruit volunteers to organize bags, food collection to spearhead this as a trial.
                                        v.    Aimee to alert Rachel Kring with this plan.
                                       vi.    Fairfax elementary school has rolled out a similar program-(research is needed to identify point person and inquire how this program works).
e.    Feedback from Rachel Kring-there is a gap during summer, they have volunteers
f.     Summer lunch program-could Hinesburg be a location (Research is needed to identify contact person)
g.    Next steps- John and Suzan will describe to staff the number of free and reduced lunches and come to the next meeting with numbers.
2.    Next need-Nurse Shelly requests hats, boots, and mittens as the weather gets colder.
a.    Challenges include ranges of sizes and space to store items.
b.    Suggestions to meet need:
                                         i.    Leftovers from Friends of Families clothing swap.
                                        ii.    Jim will pursue roundup at Lantman’s.

3.    Equitable support for siblings who don’t qualify for funding of activities. Anita can contact sources for food.
Other ways Pie currently supports families in need:
1.    Pie partners with the Hinesburg resource center and contributes funding for vacation meal bags.
2.    STAR fund used for scholarships, sports, music instruments and other student interests that they would not participate because of financial constraints.
a.    Coaches, teachers, request funds to co- principals for various items.
b.    Gift cards to stores are purchased for families around the holidays.

Community Event Discussion-
In lieu of the harvest dinner which was a community event, Pie would like to do a
Best Attributes of Harvest Dinner included:
·         Drew in families for older students.
·         Community partnered with the school earlier in the fall, the seasonal food was delicious.
·         Unified arts- students made food from scratch and center pieces, helped in kitchen and served.
·         Exposed younger HCS kids to club activities (CVU Jr. Iron Chef)
·         Not marketed as a fundraiser which made it more low key.
·         Move Jr. iron Chef for the fall and hold a Community Dinner in the fall-Students coordinate pot-luck.
·         Poll email list by voting on activity in November e-newsletter.
·         Students to participate in and most likely to help.
o   Trunk or treat with a dance following
o   Election day bake sale 11/6
o   Fun run in the spring or fall
o   Student organized pot luck
o   Waffle breakfast is no longer occurring - Jr. Iron Chef make breakfast
o   Rock paper scissor
Winter Jan-Feb
o   Coffee house music night (CVU Jr. Iron chef could provide food) students provide music
o   Talent show
o   Spring April
o   Empty bowls-community artists donate bowls, community members buy bowls and fill it with Chili.  Maybe as a kickoff to “backpack” project.
o   Coffee house music night (CVU Jr. Iron chef could provide food) students provide music
o   Italian night-dinner theme night
o   Waffle breakfast is no longer occurring - Jr. Iron Chef make breakfast
o   Trivia Night (location at NRG)-pay for a table- pot luck and drinks- winning table gets a prize
o   Movie night in the gym (family or babysit)
o   Rock paper scissors event
Next steps:
Voting-deadline, open list on idea, would be willing to help
Upcoming Activities
·         Friday 10/19 Pie Staff Grant Application
·         10/26 First Box
·         November Pie meeting flex space 11/15, 7:00-8:30. Contact Mary Hong ( to reserve a space if child care is needed.

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