March 2018 Meeting Notes
HCS Office Conference Room -NEW location
Attending: A. Frost, J. Goldsmith, S. Locke, T. Jones
Seed Sale Fundraiser (March 19 - April 2)
- Will be a space on online fundraising page to donate to HCS garden. https://www.farmraiser.com/campaigns/pie-seed-sale-fundraiser/market
- Kate Dodge & Amanda Wheeler working on details
- Kate has created a poster- thank you Kate!
- Suzan sent posters out to all teachers to send out in teacher communications
- Suzan to make announcement to teachers about seed fundraiser, many staff are gardeners
- Jim to print large size poster (3 major entry ways which includes ramp near part 2 entrace/exit) and small posters to go out in homework folders for grades K-4
- Tanya to work on bulletin board, leaving space for Girls on the Run (Ali Douglas ask)
- Seeds will be delivered to school
- A sign up genius will be created for folks to come help organize seeds
- Aimee planning on sending a PiE wide email in late March-early April, include promotion of fundraiser and sign up genius link in email
Fundraising Update
- With Dance & Seed Sale, need for another third fundraiser?
- Fundraising team meetinging Tuesday, 3/20
- Will decide a best case & worse case scenario for additional fundraisers
- Could be a couple of simple, ongoing fundraisers
- Healthy Living
- Mabels Labels (good for incoming kindergarten families)
- Amazon Smiles (need tax free exempt status, is in the works)
- Now that PiE has online giving capabiblities will promote a “What the Heck, Write a Check” campaign NEXT YEAR
- PiE has invested in online store functionality with a Square
- Some people felt weird using their own phone for Square transactions
- Suzan to check if could use school ipad (will ask Matt Kihm) for school event purchases
- Expenses associated with Square payments:
- Swipe sales= 2.75% charge
- Manually entered sales= 3.5% +15c per transaction
- Online sales= 2.9% + 30c per transaction
Staff Appreciation- May
- Discussed if we should do HPH again
- Consensus is that we should do it again; higher cost but was much anticipated by staff
- Jim to confirm last year’s cost
- Will need to settle on date; last year did on Tuesday after professional development
- Aimee to reach out to HPH once have date options in May
- Chair massages are well liked
- Ask if Joy Madden will do again
- Will have school bulletin board with staff photos and (possible) trivia contest
- Alyssa Lasher to lead this, will be put up in May
- Also considering asking parents and students to write letter of appreciation as part of activities
Co Principal Welcome & Staff Celebrations
- A few staff are retiring, no formal announcments yet, need to be sensitive to current students
- PiE will continue with library book dedications for retiring staff
- Suzan to confirm staff in a few weeks
- Consider doing staff retiring & leaving celebration during Tuesday early release, last hour invite anyone, open house format
- Need to decide on date
- For Jeff, make sure to promote open house to CVU and public, lots of former students
- Event with food, maybe have PiE and ice cream
- Want to do something for Jeff alone too
- Here for 8 years
- PiE bulletin board?
- Frame photo of school on star and have kids
- Suzan to check in with student council on ideas of kids
- There will also be a private staff event for leaving staff
- To welcome John, Suzan to ask John what kind of event would he want/prefer
- Would like to have a couple small events, lots of people to consider; students, staff, families
- Do something over the summer at a “Concert in the Park”?
Kindergarten Registration
- PiE to include letter in Kindergarten Registration packet to be handed out on 4/12 & 4/13
- Letter will be from PiE Steering Committee
- Include with letter, pre-order your tshirt form (give out a play group in August run by Friends of Family), maybe include Mabel Labels fundraiser flyer
- Tanya to work on t-shirt pricing and ordering
- Include class of 2031 on back of tshirt (confirm graduation year)
- Kindergarten Family Night- 5/10
- Suzan to do parent presentation, there will be 5-10 minutes for PiE Presentation
- Aimee to do PiE presentation
Volunteer Appreciation
- Aimee shared past idea to do something for Volunteers in April for Volunteer Appreciation month
- Could be learn about all HCS volunteer activities, a Volunteer Fair
- Fill out paperwork, get finger printed, etc.
- Needs some planning
- Idea was raised about using end of year picnic as Volunteer Appreciation event
- Group felt there there needed to be another draw than just end of year picnic
- Maybe combine with another event?
- Group will discuss more at May 2018/2019 planning event
- Student council have been active PiE volunteers this school year and the idea of donation to 8th grade field trip was raised
- Group discussed a formal agreement between 8th grade and PiE before any money is donated, for example contribute X hours to PiE for a donation to 8th grade field trip
- PiE could give them a list of volunteer oportunities to complete to earn donation
- This year 8th grade has reached 8th grade fundraising goal but is looking for funding for boat cruise food (approx. cost is $800)
- Will discuss more again at May planning meeting
- On another note would like to ask Student Council brainstorm ideas for community events/fundrasisers that middle school students and families would like to attend
- Harvest Dinner has been positioned as older grade event
- PiE is looking for PiE Grant photos and details from teachers
- Suzan to follow up with staff for photos
- PiE will hold off any school supply drives as staff have been asked to go to administration with any supply needs
- Aimee to schedule a 2018/2019 PiE planning in May like last year
- Consider inviting John; official contract start date is in July 2018
- Consider a end of year PiE survey to get family input for planning
Upcoming Dates
- Connecting Youth Events
- “Risky Business- Why Adolescents Love Risk-Taking and How We Can Help Mangage It”- Michael Neary- 3/27, 7-8:30pm @CVU
- Cindy Pierce - 4/9 @ CVU
- Parent-In Follow Up Discussion- 4/18 @ CVU
- Kindergarten Registration- 4/12 & 4/13, 5/10 (Parent meeting)
- HCS Garden Seed & Sample Day- April
- Staff Appreciation- May
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