Wednesday, November 7, 2018

October PiE meeting minutes

Pie October Meeting
HCS Flex Space
7-8:30 pm
Meeting Minutes

In attendance: Aimee Frost, Suzan Locke, John Pontius, Jim Goldsmith, Jenny Wilkinson, Jamie Cudney, Mary Hong, Anita Howard, Aubrey Gardner, Julie Zack, Doug Stewart, Kim Gordon

Notes from our Principals:
·         PR for meetings
o   Aimee will put the sign out on Pie meeting week to remind parents.
o   Add Pie meeting announcements in the Viking
·         Pie grants:
o   Suzan and John are involved to preview grants before they go to the committee to set aside those that can be addressed through school funds.
o   Melissa will send Suzan and John the details of what information is needed on the grant application. Applicants will be expected to contribute a detailed written explanation on the application in lieu of coming to the Pie meeting.
Family Support Discussion- Opportunity to generate balance of filling a unique need but not duplicating what is out there. Does not have to be a monetary donation but community supports.
1.    Food insecurity-Meal balance due. Available for families who are eligible but not applying for free and reduced lunch.
a.    Getting the word out to those who may qualify for free and reduced lunch.
b.    Support is available to assist parents fill out forms for free and reduced breakfast/lunch.
                                         i.    Hinesburg does not qualifies for grants because of number of free and reduced lunch.
c.    District is addressing food issues would need to coordinate.
d.    Backpack program- Hunger Free VT is the contact –
Steps to take:
                                         i.    Focus is for families in need over the weekend.
                                        ii.    Parents would coordinate (pack bags, distribute to teachers) and a staff would distribute to students in need.
                                       iii.    Suzan and John will meet with teachers, school social workers, school counselors, and Deb to support identifying families in need.
                                       iv.    Mary will put a request for parent volunteers in the Pie e-news letter to recruit volunteers to organize bags, food collection to spearhead this as a trial.
                                        v.    Aimee to alert Rachel Kring with this plan.
                                       vi.    Fairfax elementary school has rolled out a similar program-(research is needed to identify point person and inquire how this program works).
e.    Feedback from Rachel Kring-there is a gap during summer, they have volunteers
f.     Summer lunch program-could Hinesburg be a location (Research is needed to identify contact person)
g.    Next steps- John and Suzan will describe to staff the number of free and reduced lunches and come to the next meeting with numbers.
2.    Next need-Nurse Shelly requests hats, boots, and mittens as the weather gets colder.
a.    Challenges include ranges of sizes and space to store items.
b.    Suggestions to meet need:
                                         i.    Leftovers from Friends of Families clothing swap.
                                        ii.    Jim will pursue roundup at Lantman’s.

3.    Equitable support for siblings who don’t qualify for funding of activities. Anita can contact sources for food.
Other ways Pie currently supports families in need:
1.    Pie partners with the Hinesburg resource center and contributes funding for vacation meal bags.
2.    STAR fund used for scholarships, sports, music instruments and other student interests that they would not participate because of financial constraints.
a.    Coaches, teachers, request funds to co- principals for various items.
b.    Gift cards to stores are purchased for families around the holidays.

Community Event Discussion-
In lieu of the harvest dinner which was a community event, Pie would like to do a
Best Attributes of Harvest Dinner included:
·         Drew in families for older students.
·         Community partnered with the school earlier in the fall, the seasonal food was delicious.
·         Unified arts- students made food from scratch and center pieces, helped in kitchen and served.
·         Exposed younger HCS kids to club activities (CVU Jr. Iron Chef)
·         Not marketed as a fundraiser which made it more low key.
·         Move Jr. iron Chef for the fall and hold a Community Dinner in the fall-Students coordinate pot-luck.
·         Poll email list by voting on activity in November e-newsletter.
·         Students to participate in and most likely to help.
o   Trunk or treat with a dance following
o   Election day bake sale 11/6
o   Fun run in the spring or fall
o   Student organized pot luck
o   Waffle breakfast is no longer occurring - Jr. Iron Chef make breakfast
o   Rock paper scissor
Winter Jan-Feb
o   Coffee house music night (CVU Jr. Iron chef could provide food) students provide music
o   Talent show
o   Spring April
o   Empty bowls-community artists donate bowls, community members buy bowls and fill it with Chili.  Maybe as a kickoff to “backpack” project.
o   Coffee house music night (CVU Jr. Iron chef could provide food) students provide music
o   Italian night-dinner theme night
o   Waffle breakfast is no longer occurring - Jr. Iron Chef make breakfast
o   Trivia Night (location at NRG)-pay for a table- pot luck and drinks- winning table gets a prize
o   Movie night in the gym (family or babysit)
o   Rock paper scissors event
Next steps:
Voting-deadline, open list on idea, would be willing to help
Upcoming Activities
·         Friday 10/19 Pie Staff Grant Application
·         10/26 First Box
·         November Pie meeting flex space 11/15, 7:00-8:30. Contact Mary Hong ( to reserve a space if child care is needed.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

September 2018 Meeting Minutes

PiE Monthly Meeting
September 13, 2018
Flex Space 7:00-8:30

In attendance: Tanya Jones, Anita Howard, Jamie Cudney, Christine Lutters, Heather Roberts, Aimee Frost, Mary Hong, Suzie McCoy, Suzan Locke, Jim Goldsmith, Kim Gordon, Aubrey Gardner, Julie Zack, John Pontius

Welcome and introductions

Plans and thoughts for the year ahead
·         Plans for the year: (Suzan & John)
o   Vision: bridging connections of lower and middle school while keeping them separate when needed
o   Communicate with families in the community
o   PBIS and Restorative Justice- Reinforcing behavior and restoring relationships. This year celebrates the 10th anniversary of PBIS at Hinesburg Community School.
o   Middle level numbers are bigger. The advantage to increased numbers in a school is more jobs are needed to support student numbers.
o   CVSD Consolidation has added positions .5 to school counseling has been added in tier 1 instructions social emotional programs: for k-3 “youth skills” co-teach with teachers 4-8 second step
o   Monica carter and Sarah Schoolcraft work as staff Proficiency Based Learning coach-facilitating studios with the teachers.
o   Support best practices in literacy and math. The goal is to effect change with the teachers directly with their instruction.
Professional Development (Tuesday early release): K-4
·         2nd step collecting data to assess student outcomes.
·         Mind play (literacy based) All staff took 30-hour online course phonemic awareness data based to give instructional ideas. 3 Tuesdays per month, coach Jane Ashby (specializes in instructing kids with disabilities) provides mentorship and evaluates student data.
Professional Development (Tuesday early release): 5-8
·         Professional coaches for Proficiency Based Learning (PBL) how to take data and use it effectively.
·         Strengthen individualize goals
·         Focus will be on passion projects and speakers to inform employees on being trauma informed and gender equality
Feedback from parents thus far:
·         Middle School Curriculum Night-timing of lower and upper grade
o   Some families were late to upper grade classrooms because they were finishing up with school presentations.
·         Parents would like notification before topics of interest are discussed in school. One instance came up last year when a video on gender equality was screened without previous notification to parents.
·         Interest was voiced for the video “Screenagers” to be shown at HCS. It was suggested that the movie be purchased or rented and shown at 3 different screenings: PiE parents, staff and middle school.
o   Suzie McCoy has a background in media literacy and is willing to help
o   Could also be a partnership with Carpenter Carse library
·         What is the description of the HCS maker space and why do different schools in district have a different level of equipment?
o   Suzan explained that these resources are used by teachers and is driven by teacher interest.   This is a school level program not a district level program.
·         How often will fire drill and lockdown drills be scheduled and will students be notified before drills are held?
o   Suzan and John explained that all emergency drills are scheduled by the safety committee that includes John, Suzan, various school staff members, plus both the Fire and Police Chiefs. After our initial couple of drills, we do not notify students in advance about the drills for a number of reasons.  Finally, the state mandates that during September the school should practice two drills, then it mandates that we practice one drill a month. The type of drill we practice is also mandated by the state. 
·         Why was there a change in photography vender?
o   Portrait vendors were changed from Ambient Photography to Life Touch because of repeated order mix-ups, unreliable communication and increased prices of photography service.
·         What are the best ways to gather afterschool information?
o   Hinesburg Recreation department is typically geared toward grades k-4
o   Viking is typically geared toward grades 5-8
Cell Phone usage:
·         Cell phones are allowed at the teacher’s discretion until the end of the day. Cell phones are permitted on school grounds after school hours (during athletics).
·         Protocol for misuse of cell phones:
o   1st offense-phone will be held at the main office until the end of the school day.
o   2nd offense-Phone will be held at front office and parents will be notified

Involvement opportunities:
·         Vacant fundraising committee positions are posted on PiE website and in the PiE newsletter
·         Money raised
o   Student enrichment (field trips, grants, community garden, staff appreciation, etc.)
o   Community building event (Kindergarten orientation, donation of graduating class, student directory, meetings and mingles)
o   Family Support (star fund, contribution for vacation snack bags)
·         70% of money raised goes toward student enrichment (field trips) Direction of fundraising has moved from selling tangible things to events to raise money such as school dance, harvest dinner, etc.
·         “Free money” such as box tops, Amazon smiles, good shop, mighty nest, AmeriGas/Blue flame Gas school days program, Healthy Living, Hannaford, Price Chopper, Mabel’s Labels

Nominations for PiE Steering Committee:
Chair – Aimee Frost nominated, seconded and voted in
Treasurer - Jim Goldsmith nominated, seconded and voted in
Secretary – Mary Hong nominated, seconded and voted in

Sunday, March 18, 2018

March 15, 2018 Meeting Notes

March 2018 Meeting Notes
HCS Office Conference Room -NEW location
Attending:  A. Frost, J. Goldsmith, S. Locke, T. Jones

Seed Sale Fundraiser (March 19 - April 2)
  • Will be a space on online fundraising page to donate to HCS garden.
    • Kate Dodge & Amanda Wheeler working on details
  • Kate has created a poster- thank you Kate!
  • Suzan sent posters out to all teachers to send out in teacher communications
  • Suzan to make announcement to teachers about seed fundraiser, many staff are gardeners
  • Jim to print large size poster (3 major entry ways which includes ramp near part 2 entrace/exit) and small posters to go out in homework folders for grades K-4
  • Tanya to work on bulletin board, leaving space for Girls on the Run (Ali Douglas ask)
  • Seeds will be delivered to school
    • A sign up genius will be created for folks to come help organize seeds
    • Aimee planning on sending a PiE wide email in late March-early April, include promotion of fundraiser and sign up genius link in email

Fundraising Update
  • With Dance & Seed Sale, need for another third fundraiser?
  • Fundraising team meetinging Tuesday, 3/20
    • Will decide a best case & worse case scenario for additional fundraisers
    • Could be a couple of simple, ongoing fundraisers
      • Healthy Living
      • Mabels Labels (good for incoming kindergarten families)
      • Amazon Smiles (need tax free exempt status, is in the works)
  • Now that PiE has online giving capabiblities will promote a “What the Heck, Write a Check” campaign NEXT YEAR
  • PiE has invested in online store functionality with a Square
  • Some people felt weird  using their own phone for Square transactions
  • Suzan to check if could use school ipad (will ask Matt Kihm) for school event purchases
  • Expenses associated with Square payments:
    • Swipe sales= 2.75% charge
    • Manually entered sales= 3.5% +15c per transaction
    • Online sales= 2.9% + 30c per transaction

Staff Appreciation- May
  • Discussed if we should do HPH again
    • Consensus is that we should do it again;  higher cost but was much anticipated by staff
      • Jim to confirm last year’s cost
    • Will need to settle on date;  last year did on Tuesday after professional development
      • Aimee to reach out to HPH once have date options in May
  • Chair massages are well liked
    • Ask if Joy Madden will do again
  • Will have school bulletin board with staff photos and (possible) trivia contest
    • Alyssa Lasher to lead this, will be put up in May
  • Also considering asking parents and students to write letter of appreciation as part of activities

Co Principal Welcome & Staff Celebrations
  • A few staff are retiring, no formal announcments yet, need to be sensitive to current students
    • PiE will continue with library book dedications for retiring staff
    • Suzan to confirm staff in a few weeks
  • Consider doing staff retiring & leaving celebration during Tuesday early release, last hour invite anyone, open house format
    • Need to decide on date
    • For Jeff, make sure to promote open house to CVU and public, lots of former students
    • Event with food, maybe have PiE and ice cream
  • Want to do something for Jeff alone too
    • Here for 8 years
    • PiE bulletin board?
    • Frame photo of school on star and have kids
    • Suzan to check in with student council on ideas of kids
  • There will also be a private staff event for leaving staff
  • To welcome John, Suzan to ask John what kind of event would he want/prefer
    • Would like to have a couple small events, lots of people to consider;  students, staff, families
    • Do something over the summer at  a “Concert in the Park”?
Kindergarten Registration
  • PiE to include letter in Kindergarten Registration packet to be handed out on 4/12 & 4/13
    • Letter will be from PiE Steering Committee
    • Include with letter, pre-order your tshirt form (give  out a play group in August run by Friends of Family), maybe include Mabel Labels fundraiser flyer
      • Tanya to work on t-shirt pricing and ordering
      • Include class of 2031 on back of tshirt (confirm graduation year)
  • Kindergarten Family Night- 5/10
    • Suzan to do parent presentation, there will be 5-10 minutes for PiE Presentation
    • Aimee to do PiE presentation
Volunteer Appreciation
  • Aimee shared past idea to do something for Volunteers in April for Volunteer Appreciation month
    • Could be learn about all HCS volunteer activities, a Volunteer Fair
      • Fill out paperwork, get finger printed, etc.
      • Needs some planning
  • Idea was raised about using end of year picnic as Volunteer Appreciation event
    • Group felt there there needed to be another draw than just end of year picnic
    • Maybe combine with another event?
    • Group will discuss more at May 2018/2019 planning event
  • Student council have been active PiE volunteers this school year and the idea of donation to 8th grade field trip was raised
    • Group discussed a formal agreement between 8th grade and PiE before any money is donated, for example contribute X hours to PiE for a donation to 8th grade field trip
    • PiE could give them a list of volunteer oportunities to complete to earn donation
      • This year 8th grade has reached 8th grade fundraising goal but is looking for funding for boat cruise food (approx. cost is $800)
    • Will discuss more again at May planning meeting
  • On another note would like to ask Student Council brainstorm ideas for community events/fundrasisers that middle school students and families would like to attend
    • Harvest Dinner has been positioned as older grade event
  • PiE is looking for PiE Grant photos and details from teachers
    • Suzan to follow up with staff for photos
  • PiE will hold off any school supply drives as staff have been asked to go to administration with any supply needs
  • Aimee to schedule a 2018/2019 PiE planning in May like last year
    • Consider inviting John; official contract start date is in July 2018
    • Consider a end of year PiE survey to get family input for planning

Upcoming Dates
  • Connecting Youth Events
    • “Risky Business- Why Adolescents Love Risk-Taking and How We Can Help Mangage It”- Michael Neary- 3/27, 7-8:30pm @CVU
    • Cindy Pierce - 4/9 @ CVU
    • Parent-In Follow Up Discussion- 4/18 @ CVU
  • Kindergarten Registration- 4/12 & 4/13, 5/10 (Parent meeting)
  • HCS Garden Seed & Sample Day- April
  • Staff Appreciation- May