Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 15, 2016 Meeting Notes

Community Evening & Welcome
Location: Flex Space
Attending: 26 people
Opening: Welcome to PiE (Acting co-chair, Carla Wuthrich)
PiE stands for Partnership in Education and works on the following:
o   Community building
o   Education: forums are offered throughout the year to explore timely topics (e.g., curriculum, assessment, school policies, etc.); PiE is seeking parent input on learning topics for this school year. Fill out the survey here:
o   Fundraising/sponsoring events
o   Serves as a conduit for school information to get out to community
o   Supports staff and parents – everyone connected and working toward a common goal
o   This year PiE also has the goal of connecting with the birth to five community and alums
·       Introductions were made around the room, and there were a number of families who were new to HCS this year
·       Key dates:
o   Sept. 22 - morning mingle 7:15am
§  What do kids do during this time? Some families bring the kids, but PiE welcomes feedback if that doesn’t work for folks
o   Sept. 27 - curriculum night (6-7 grade)
o   Sept. 29 - k-2 open house
o   Oct. 4 - 4th grade curriculum night
o   Oct. 21 – parent/teacher conferences
o   Oct. TBD - Unified Arts Open House and Harvest Dinner
o   Nov. 4 - Bake Sale
o   Nov. 18-19 - Fall Musical
o   Dec. - Adult Dance
o   Jan/Feb/March - Info Nights
o   March 10 - Family Dance
Top 10 (Facilitated by parent, Rob O’Neil)
We played a “Family Feud”- style game to explore common questions and topics of interest. Quick answers were provided when possible; some topics will be explored in greater detail at future meetings.
·       New Staff (Suzan Locke, Co-Principal)
o   New Administration – Suzan Locke and Jeff O’Hara are co-principals instead of the former model of breaking up by grades
§  Suzan will be focusing on her strengths – curriculum, instruction, standards based learning
§  Jeff will be focusing on his strengths – PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports), social and emotional development
§  Contact either principal, and they will collaborate and touch base with each other
§  Jeff is still the contact for Imagine
§  Parents have been hearing that students would like a “new principal intro” – maybe at lunch
o   Alicia Kurth is the new Director of Special Education (shared position between Charlotte and Hinesburg)
o   16 new staff members (incl. some shifting of staff); read bios at
o   HCS Pre-k program is now for Hinesburg and Charlotte (2 Charlotte students this year)
·       Early Release Days (Suzan Locke, Co-Principal)
o   New this year: Tuesdays students are released at 1:55
o   Staff meet from 2:00-4:00; first hour is new learning; second hour is a chance to apply what’s learned
§  Some parents asked if this seems like enough time
§  Fourth grade teacher, Jen Roth, said most teachers appreciate not being overwhelmed by a full day course; since teachers put the learning into practice and revisit it the next week, the learning is ongoing and evolving and seems more beneficial to the HCS community
§  Between the weeks there’s a consultant giving feedback on implementation of what’s been learned
§  Teaching teams (by grade level) also come together once a week or more during common planning time (when students at PE, art, etc.)
§  Parents were in agreement that they would like periodic updates about what staff are learning and how it’s being implemented
o   Some key topics of staff learning this year:
§  Proficiency Based Learning (PBL): teachers to look at targets/expectations for students around new standards; developing 4 point scale based on expectations
·       PiE to offer follow-up session to this from the info night offered last year
§  Restorative justice: how to make all students feel like they belong, can express themselves, feel safe; part of educating the “whole child”
·       Parent involvement at school – how to get started?
o   Ask your child’s classroom teacher
o   Other ways – drama, spelling bee, PiE
o   Questions about fingerprinting – lots of folks wondering when fingerprinting is needed
§  Parents do need fingerprinting to go on field trips and in roles working one-on-one with students
§  Check with Deb Lavallete in the front office for forms and whether necessary
§  Process takes a while – start early
·       Change in morning school routine
o   In past years all students went into the cafeteria and stood there until they were allowed to go to classrooms at 7:50, and school started at 8:00
o   Now, para-specialists are in by 7:30, and each grade level has an area to go to and activities to do (Legos, reading, Chromebook time, games, etc.)
§  Students now have a quieter start to ease into the day
·       School Bucks
o   Parent had a question about why her child is being allowed to buy lunch when no money in account (child choosing to purchase lunch, even when they have a lunch from home that day); a few other parents echoed this frustration
§  School policy to feed all kids; be sure to communicate with your child’s teacher if there’s an issue (cc Deb Bissonette, cafeteria director, so she knows as well)
·       School bus safety/policies
o   How does the school care for students on the bus/make sure they are safe?
o   Who to ask if there are questions about bussing: Ken Martin; or call the HCS front office and they can connect you
o   Concerns can be addressed to either principal
o   Many parents echoed that they would like more information on official bus policies (e.g., behavior expectations, students sitting by grade? etc.)
o   Suggestion to put something in the Viking about how the bus is supposed to work and invite parents to contact the school if there are concerns
·       PiE community info night in October will be about behavior and conduct
o   Breakout sessions to cover wide variety of ages/concerns (e.g., social media)
·       Fundraising (acting Treasurer, Jim Goldsmith)
o   Goal is to raise $20,000 this year
§  $12,000 goes into teacher accounts to provide money for field trips, special projects
§  $5,000 for grants (distributed to teachers)
§  Smaller amounts for teacher appreciation, wellness (garden), etc.
o   Need more families to help with fundraising
§  Genevieve’s – catalog fundraiser going home this month
§  Fundraising team has monthly meetings
o   Always the option for families to “opt out” of fundraisers that are sent home by making a contribution instead
·       School Board Consolidation (HCS Board members Bill Baker, Stacy Riley and Keith Roberts)
o   Gives more flexibility to provide kids better services – (e.g., sharing Alicia Kurth between Hinesburg and Charlotte, more sports and opportunities available, etc.)
o   Right now there are 7 school boards in the district
o   July 1, 2017 there will be one board
§  Colleen McKinnon and Ray Mainer are going to serve on the consolidated CSSU board
§  PiE money will stay with HCS
§  Governance-wise there will be a big change, and there will be no local budget – not day-to-day changes for teachers, kids, administration
o   Parents welcome to attend any board meetings – check agenda for topics
§  HCS Board still meeting this school year, and the consolidated board is meeting concurrently and getting up to speed
·       PiE Officers (Aimee Frost, acting Co-Chair)
o   Aimee Frost made a motion and Stacy Riley seconded the motion to open the discussion about PiE officers
§  Carla Wuthrich and Aimee Frost were put forward as candidates for PiE Co-Chair
§  Jim Goldsmith was put forward as the candidate for PiE Treasurer
§  Rachel Kring was put forward as the candidate for PiE Secretary
§  Bill Baker made a motion and Kate Dodge seconded the motion to close discussion and vote
§  A vote by show of hands elected all officers to roles detailed above
Wrapping up
·       Keep new hopes/ideas coming!
·       Extra curriculars
o   If people have interests/skills, we can do it (e.g., chess club started by a parent)
o   PiE survey seeking feedback about Tuesday after school offerings had 40% response by HCS community
§  Meetings have happened between school, Imagine, Rec Department and other community partners; PiE to stay involved in how the early release is affecting families and if there are enough offerings/options
·       T-shirts
o   Orders for HCS t-shirts (logo design by HCS student, Cody O’Neil) accepted until October 14; offered at cost
·       What’s next?
o   PiE meetings are the third  Thursday of the month at 6:30; next one is October 20
o   Check Viking newsletter, and the PiE Facebook page to stay connected
o   PiE emails go out to everyone who provides an email address

§  As you hear about opportunities/events you want to be involved with, let us know!

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