Community Evening & Welcome
Location: Flex
Attending: 26 people
Opening: Welcome to
PiE (Acting co-chair, Carla Wuthrich)
PiE stands for Partnership in Education and
works on the following:
Community building
Education: forums are offered throughout the
year to explore timely topics (e.g., curriculum, assessment, school policies,
etc.); PiE is seeking parent input on learning topics for this school year.
Fill out the survey here:
Fundraising/sponsoring events
Serves as a conduit for school information to
get out to community
Supports staff and parents – everyone connected
and working toward a common goal
This year PiE also has the goal of connecting with
the birth to five community and alums
Introductions were made around the room, and
there were a number of families who were new to HCS this year
Key dates:
Sept. 22 - morning mingle 7:15am
What do kids do during this time? Some families
bring the kids, but PiE welcomes feedback if that doesn’t work for folks
Sept. 27 - curriculum night (6-7 grade)
Sept. 29 - k-2 open house
Oct. 4 - 4th grade curriculum night
Oct. 21 – parent/teacher conferences
Oct. TBD - Unified Arts Open House and Harvest
Nov. 4 - Bake Sale
Nov. 18-19 - Fall Musical
Dec. - Adult Dance
Jan/Feb/March - Info Nights
March 10 - Family Dance
Top 10 (Facilitated
by parent, Rob O’Neil)
We played a “Family Feud”- style game to explore common
questions and topics of interest. Quick answers were provided when possible; some
topics will be explored in greater detail at future meetings.
New Staff (Suzan Locke, Co-Principal)
New Administration – Suzan Locke and Jeff O’Hara
are co-principals instead of the former model of breaking up by grades
Suzan will be focusing on her strengths –
curriculum, instruction, standards based learning
Jeff will be focusing on his strengths – PBIS
(Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports), social and emotional development
Contact either principal, and they will
collaborate and touch base with each other
Jeff is still the contact for Imagine
Parents have been hearing that students would
like a “new principal intro” – maybe at lunch
Alicia Kurth is the new Director of Special
Education (shared position between Charlotte and Hinesburg)
HCS Pre-k program is now for Hinesburg and
Charlotte (2 Charlotte students this year)
Early Release Days (Suzan Locke, Co-Principal)
New this year: Tuesdays students are released at
Staff meet from 2:00-4:00; first hour is new
learning; second hour is a chance to apply what’s learned
Some parents asked if this seems like enough time
Fourth grade teacher, Jen Roth, said most teachers
appreciate not being overwhelmed by a full day course; since teachers put the
learning into practice and revisit it the next week, the learning is ongoing
and evolving and seems more beneficial to the HCS community
Between the weeks there’s a consultant giving
feedback on implementation of what’s been learned
Teaching teams (by grade level) also come
together once a week or more during common planning time (when students at PE,
art, etc.)
Parents were in agreement that they would like
periodic updates about what staff are learning and how it’s being implemented
Some key topics of staff learning this year:
Proficiency Based Learning (PBL): teachers to
look at targets/expectations for students around new standards; developing 4
point scale based on expectations
PiE to offer follow-up session to this from the info
night offered last year
Restorative justice: how to make all students
feel like they belong, can express themselves, feel safe; part of educating the
“whole child”
Parent involvement at school – how to get
Ask your child’s classroom teacher
Other ways – drama, spelling bee, PiE
Questions about fingerprinting – lots of folks
wondering when fingerprinting is needed
Parents do need fingerprinting to go on field
trips and in roles working one-on-one with students
Check with Deb Lavallete in the front office for
forms and whether necessary
Process takes a while – start early
Change in morning school routine
In past years all students went into the
cafeteria and stood there until they were allowed to go to classrooms at 7:50,
and school started at 8:00
Now, para-specialists are in by 7:30, and each
grade level has an area to go to and activities to do (Legos, reading,
Chromebook time, games, etc.)
Students now have a quieter start to ease into
the day
School Bucks
Parent had a question about why her child is being
allowed to buy lunch when no money in account (child choosing to purchase
lunch, even when they have a lunch from home that day); a few other parents
echoed this frustration
School policy to feed all kids; be sure to
communicate with your child’s teacher if there’s an issue (cc Deb Bissonette,
cafeteria director, so she knows as well)
School bus safety/policies
How does the school care for students on the
bus/make sure they are safe?
Who to ask if there are questions about bussing:
Ken Martin;
or call the HCS front office and they can connect you
Concerns can be addressed to either principal
Many parents echoed that they would like more
information on official bus policies (e.g., behavior expectations, students
sitting by grade? etc.)
Suggestion to put something in the Viking about
how the bus is supposed to work and invite parents to contact the school if there
are concerns
PiE community info night in October will be
about behavior and conduct
Breakout sessions to cover wide variety of
ages/concerns (e.g., social media)
Fundraising (acting Treasurer, Jim Goldsmith)
Goal is to raise $20,000 this year
$12,000 goes into teacher accounts to provide
money for field trips, special projects
$5,000 for grants (distributed to teachers)
Smaller amounts for teacher appreciation,
wellness (garden), etc.
Need more families to help with fundraising
Genevieve’s – catalog fundraiser going home this
Fundraising team has monthly meetings
Always the option for families to “opt out” of
fundraisers that are sent home by making a contribution instead
School Board Consolidation (HCS Board members Bill
Baker, Stacy Riley and Keith Roberts)
Gives more flexibility to provide kids better
services – (e.g., sharing Alicia Kurth between Hinesburg and Charlotte, more
sports and opportunities available, etc.)
Right now there are 7 school boards in the
July 1, 2017 there will be one board
Colleen McKinnon and Ray Mainer are going to
serve on the consolidated CSSU board
PiE money will stay with HCS
Governance-wise there will be a big change, and
there will be no local budget – not day-to-day changes for teachers, kids,
Parents welcome to attend any board meetings –
check agenda for topics
HCS Board still meeting this school year, and
the consolidated board is meeting concurrently and getting up to speed
PiE Officers (Aimee Frost, acting Co-Chair)
Aimee Frost made a motion and Stacy Riley seconded
the motion to open the discussion about PiE officers
Carla Wuthrich and Aimee Frost were put forward
as candidates for PiE Co-Chair
Jim Goldsmith was put forward as the candidate
for PiE Treasurer
Rachel Kring was put forward as the candidate
for PiE Secretary
Bill Baker made a motion and Kate Dodge seconded
the motion to close discussion and vote
A vote by show of hands elected all officers to
roles detailed above
Wrapping up
Keep new hopes/ideas coming!
Extra curriculars
If people have interests/skills, we can do it
(e.g., chess club started by a parent)
PiE survey seeking feedback about Tuesday after
school offerings had 40% response by HCS community
Meetings have happened between school, Imagine,
Rec Department and other community partners; PiE to stay involved in how the
early release is affecting families and if there are enough offerings/options
Orders for HCS t-shirts (logo design by HCS
student, Cody O’Neil) accepted until October 14; offered at cost
What’s next?
PiE meetings are the third Thursday of the month at 6:30; next one is
October 20
PiE emails go out to everyone who provides an
email address
As you hear about opportunities/events you want
to be involved with, let us know!