Friday, October 23, 2015

PiE All Partner Meeting Oct. 15

Attendees:  K. Lake, K. Gordon, T. Jones, J. Goldsmith, C. Wuthrich, J. O’Hara, K. Dodge, A.Frost

Reflection on Past Months

Building appreciation and showing thanks is a focus for this year.
      Carla created a google sheet to remember individuals or groups that should be thanked and if and when they have been thanked.
o      Document has been shared with PiE ambassadors via Google Share.  This group can and should add to the list. 
o      Carla has been adding names to the list; piloting the role of “Class Partner”, you can identify people or groups who made a contribution to the school by reading class blogs or letters.
      Aimee shared that it would be great to have PiE postcards that could easily be sent as a thank you.
o      She shared a postcard designed by Tomlynn Biondi (thanks Tomlynn!)
o      Jeff suggested using student artwork or photos

Jeff reviewed the Principal Notes that were shared at the 10/13/15 school board meeting

K-2 Open House and Spaghetti Dinner
      Tickets worked well; supported effort to maintain anonymity of families who received tickets ahead of time
      Did not track ticket sales so don’t have a good sense of how many people attended
o      For future dinners/events, suggest tracking ticket sales to assist future planning
o      A plan is in place to track ticket sales for the UA Harvest Dinner
       Creating a structured tally sheet for Harvest Dinner attendance and arrival time

Hinesburgh Public House Community Supper
      Raised $810
      Add Public House to thanks list -done
      Suggest changing timing to November or later in the year when there are fewer school activities
o      This year (2015) only October was available

Plans & Support – Oct/Nov

UA Night/ Harvest Dinner – Thursday, 10/29
      Would like to have greeters at Harvest Dinner to welcome visitors and to help direct traffic, explain dinner vs. open house
      Doug to send principals sign up genius to send school wide
      Doug will send Jeff list of activities for middle school students
      Entertainers for dinner

Plans & Support – 2016

HCS Directory
      Kate to connect with Maureen Blanck to see if she is willing to create the directory again this year
      Kate is looking for someone to train for future directories (beyond 2015/2016); if you are interested, contact Kate.
      In the past, parents entered directory info into Google Forms.  
o      Jeff suggested asking for parent permission at Fall parent/teacher conference to include their info from school records
      Finance group suggested that the directory could be a revenue opportunity if they sold ads.
o      For 2015/2016, will not solicit advertisers because are seeking advertisers for school play program

T-shirt/ Spirit Wear
      Tanya working on plans for student t-shirt design contest/ fundraiser
o      Will benefit PiE and will outfit the school in spirit wear
      Preliminary plans are:
o      Design contest open to all 5-8 middle school students; designs would be due beginning of January
o      T-shirts will be pre-ordered so no cost output
o      How do we decide who wins?
o      Does the winner get a prize?  Ideas included a gift card or gift certificate, maybe to art shop

Committee Updates

Family Dance
      Date is set for Saturday, 4/1/16;  this was a very popular community event last year, enjoyed by students and parents!
      Looking for 3-5 people to plan the dance portion of the event
o      Planning to start in January
o      Basket fundraiser is covered, so planning committee can focus on the dance
o      Tanya has materials from last year and will share with new committee members
      If you are interested, contact Aimee, Carla or Tanya

Finance Committee
      Jim shared that the Finance committee has discussed whether PiE should change how funding is distributed
o      Currently, majority goes to teacher accounts; two payments twice a year
o      This model was implemented a few years ago
      Jim to prepare overview of current distribution model and present at school budget forum meeting where PiE can solicit feedback and recommendations

Health/Wellness/Nutrition/Garden planning committee is looking for new members to help plan activities
      If you are interested, contact Aimee, Carla , Heidi Simkins ( or Susan Lepple (

Staff Appreciation
      Ali Douglas, Kerry Lake, Nancy Wood and Marsi Foster will lead the Staff Appreciation planning committee.  Thank you!

Communication Committee?
      There was discussion around whether PiE should create a communication committee
      Alternative would be to document communication processes and best practices
o      Some documentation exists
o      Carla has focal points from last year, this could be a starting point



Kate Dodge
Kate Dodge

Carla Wuthrich (or Kate Dodge)
Carla Wuthrich/AliDouglas

Jeff OHara, Kate/Kim Gordon for Finance/Fundraising
Jeff O'hara


_________ -
Bulletin Board
Tanya Jones

School Requests
      Cafeteria is collecting Shaw’s stickers for new silverware
o      If you have any, consider donating them to the cafeteria
      School is also looking for stadium cushions (camping chairs) and exercise/yoga balls
o       If you have any you would like to donate, contact Ali Douglas (