Friday, February 22, 2019

February Meeting Minutes

February PiE Meeting Minutes
2/21/19 7-8
Location: Conference Room
Attendance: Aimee Frost, Suzan Locke, Jim Pontius, Jamie Cudney, Mary Hong, Anita Howard, Heather Roberts, Julie Zach
·         PiE directory update-
o   Deadline is tomorrow, 2/22
o   Information is now pulled from the server
o   Photo copying and assemble volunteers are identified
·         ScreenAgers Showing 3/26
o   Arrival 6:45, Showing 7-8, Discussion 8-9
·         Family Dance 3/8
o   Planning Fundraising goal of $4,000 (desserts, baskets and ticket sales)
§  Hinesburg Nursery School and Annette’s Preschool will bring activities in the flex space (crafts, activities, etc.)
§  Boy Scouts are donating a popcorn machine
o   Details
§  Set up: Gym is available 3:30-5:30 and the Cafeteria/Flex space 5-6
§  Food is mostly covered-fruit and veggie trays need to put together-access to the kitchen at 4:30-Anita adds that corporate offices are willing to donate but require 30-60 days for a request letter
§  Tickets are sold online there is a link on the HCS PiE page
§  Night of (2) iPad and square are needed to pay for admittance
§  More sponsors than in the past-Timberland Dental, River Cove Animal Hospital, Bushel and a Peck and Village Car Company
§  Signup genius for day of-Aimee will send the link to Suzan and John to send out to teachers. An email connect 5 can be sent out Monday 3/4 dance details, sign up genius link, and ticket sales
§  Gym bathroom doors will be locked, tape will be put on the door to deter kids to access the playground
§  8th graders will be asked to lead Small kid activities, selling desserts, managing the photo booth, etc.
§  Chaperones: Minimizing kids running around. Asking DJ to bring energy down.
§  Basket deadline has been extended-Aimee will post basket themes by grade on facebook.
·         ETC.
o   PiE now has a VT sales Tax Exemption Certificate 501 (c )(3) certificate to be used for PiE purchases. Aimee has a copy of the certificate on the PiE
o   Lake Monster fundraisers date is TBD
o   A HCS parent is working on potential Fundraiser for “spirit wear”
o   Staff Appreciation
o   Garden-
§  Seed and sample will be happening again.
§  Connection has been made with Deb Bissonette on high priority vegetables to be planted. A planning meeting will be made in March.
§  Work is still being done on how to tie the garden to a harvest event.
o   2 teachers will be retiring PiE tradition is to buy a book to be donated to the library in each retiree’s name.
·         Upcoming Activities
o   Monday, 2/25- Friday, 3/1-February Recess & Vacation Meals Bags
o   Friday, 3/8: PiE Family Dance “At the Movies”
o   Thursday, 3/21: March PiE Meeting
o   Tuesday, 3/26: ScreenAgers community viewing at HCS