September 21, 2017
PiE Monthly Meeting
Meeting – Aimee called to order at 6:45.
In attendance: Kristin Miskavage, Melissa Levy, Amanda Wheeler, Anita Howard, Jamie Cudney, Becky Alford, Elisabeth Garvey, Julie Zack, Kitty Frazier, Aimee Frost, Jeff O’Hara, Suzan Locke, Kate Dodge, Jim and Catherine Goldsmith, Kim Gordon
Jeopardy – Our group was divided into two teams to compete for Extreme PiE Jeopardy. Kristin moderated; two teams had a fierce competition and fun had by all! Jeopardy concluded at 7:05
PiE Teams - Aimee introduced the concept of the various teams and invited all to take a look at the descriptions and sign-up sheets for all. A short discussion about each of the teams followed. All were encouraged to spread the word to all community members to get involved.
Under the Enrichment Team, Discussion about Odyssey of the Mind; Jeff had some experience with it in South Burlington; HCS would need to find parent volunteer to spearhead; large and lengthy commitment. Charlotte annually fields a team and if a parent was interested in spearheading, we could make a connection with the Charlotte folks.
For more information about the program in Vermont, go to
Under the Community Education Team – bringing info to parents and teachers – info and agenda from the CVSD Board; is there info /education that can be either brought to HCS or advertised to HCS so parents can attend. Common topics are listed on the “Board Work Plan” - on CVSD website – go to Board Work Plan and look for common topics. 3rd Tuesday of each Month – common topic presented at 6 pm. All invited!
Harvest Dinner is Nov. 2nd. Jr Iron chef from CVU will prepare and work with cafeteria here. Essential Arts is NOT part of this dinner. It will be part of the K– 4 open house on 9/28.
Connected Youth Program (Christine Llyod Newbury) is planning a possible parent night presentation in October. HCS to confirm so that PiE can help promote.
Question from audience – is there a way that parents contribute to school planning without administrators? Nothing official, but Jeff and Suzan would like parent involvement and contribution. Could the “Hopes and Dreams” Team assist in this in any way? What is the goal of this team? Could one of the teams be melded to contribute in this role (Jeff). Nothing in the works yet, but could potentially work out.
Suzan - Open House – September 28th – 45 minutes of curriculum shared in each classroom; last 45 minutes is Pie from PiE! 5:30 – 7:00. 5:30 - 6:15 - parents can visit their children’s classrooms as well as the EA rooms. PiE will start serving dessert at 6:15 and continue to 7:00. EA is also open for all grades levels. (Kate recommends – ask Barb Spaulding to see if Student Council can help serve the PIE and ice cream.)
Pumpkin Sale – starting Thursday night and continuing through the weekend. A sign-up genius has been sent out.
Kate – discussion about how students from HCS are prepared for CVU – academically ready and happy!
Final business:
Nominations for PiE Steering Committee:
Chair – Aimee Frost nominated, seconded and voted in
Treasurer - Jim Goldsmith nominated, seconded and voted in
Secretary – Kitty Frazier, nominated, seconded and voted in
PiE Team Leaders
Melissa Levy – staff grants; Amanda Wheeler – Garden; Kim Gordon – Genevieve’s Fundraiser
Geneveive’s will be starting next week. Has online component that all should take advantage of.
Jim Goldsmith explained the new E-version of Buy Local coupon book. Can gift to everyone! JIm will provide more details as they become available!
Fundraising amounts have been dropping over the last few years. Encourage everyone to look for new ways to fundraise. Moving away from selling too many things to doing events.
Kim Gordon presented “Free Money” – ways to make money for the school that don’t cost anything – box tops, promotions etc.
New PiE webpage – under construction; will be linked from main page shortly.
Student directory will be made possible by parent volunteer – out soon!
Jim Goldsmith provided snacks - Thanks Jim!
Meeting adjourned – 7:45