Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dec 9 Meeting Notes

PiE December Meeting
Attendees:  K. Lake, J. O’Hara, J. Goldsmith, A. Miller, A. Frost, C. Wuthrich, A. Broussard, T. Jones

PiE approved the funding to purchase healthy snacks for 30 families over the school break.
      Aimee to secure items from Lantmans and deliver to HCS on 12/14
      Lantmans will invoice PiE

Donations of wrapping supplies have been requested to accompany wish list gifts for 30 HCS families
      Donations are due Monday, 12/14 and should be dropped off at the Main Office.

Family Dance - 4/1/16
      Tanya Jones has begun planning for the Family Dance
      Date has been confirmed and booked
      DJ has been booked
      Tanya is investigating cost to rent a photo booth and will be soliciting sponsors to cover cost
      Aimee and Tanya to meet over winter break and/or early January to map out planning
      PiE is looking for a planning committee for Decorations, Food and Promotion
      Notice to be included in January Viking

Student Directory plans are under way.  Thank you Kate Dodge!
      Providing your student/information is optional
      All families will receive a directory

The PiE bulletin will be changed out over the winter break and will stay up through February
      The group discussed dividing the bulletin board area to include permanent displays on:
      (1) How fundraising dollars are invested (could be repurposed for principal report, viking and other communications)
      Finance Committee to discuss how this could be visually represented
      (2) Events

Bulletin Board Schedule
Theme:  Winter
Update over Winter Break
Theme:  Family Dance
Update over Feb break
Theme:  TBD
Update after Family Dance
Theme:  Thanks
Update end of May

The group discussed continuing to support the HCS Angel/Star Fund
      Star fund provides last minute, supplies to students and families
      PiE will level fund in 15/16;  contributed $500 last year (J. Goldsmith to confirm)

PiE is considering an Dessert with the Principals evening event in February
      Format could be similar to September PiE meeting with Q&A
      Allegra and Jeff to discuss content and format
      Act 46 could also be a topic
      A panel discussion, offering different viewpoints (principal, teacher, parent, etc.)  was suggested
      A discussion around academics was also suggested

Upcoming Dates:
       Monday, 1/4: HCS Board Budget Mtg - Spanish/French Room 5:30 - 7:30 PM
       Thursday, 1/21/16: PiE All Partner Meeting- Flex Space 6:30-7:30

      Focus planning for 2nd half of school year

Monday, December 7, 2015

PiE All Partner Meeting Nov. 19

 PiE November Meeting

Attendees:  K. Lake, K. Dodge, B. Spaulding, P. Rocheleau, J. O’Hara, A. Douglas, J. Goldsmith, S. Riley, A. Miller, K. Miskavage, A. Frost

Fall Grants
For the 2015/2016 Fall Grant period there is $3,300 to give away towards grants
5 individuals or groups of HCS staff requested grants
Finance committee reviewed applications prior to this evening’s meeting
      Appreciate tiered grant requests which allows flexibility in making decisions

At the meeting, the group present approved grant requests totaling $ 3,300 - as detailed below in GREEN for 'go!'

1. 5th grade - Paul Rocheleau: Visiting artist / Crankie project $800 requested
      Presented in-person by Paul Rocheleau to the group

      APPROVED "up to $800"

Requested funds will go towards:
      Hiring artist with local roots to be a music and visual art resource to make a cranky, subject American Revolution
      Art supplies/materials;l need more materials this year vs. past years
      Popular project that students look forward to participating in
      Entire school will get experience music

2. K-8 - Corinna Stanley: MakerSpace expansion $600
      Presented by Kristin Miskavage and Jeff O’Hara on behalf of applicant

      APPROVED w/majority funding from Imagine AfterSchool Program (per J. O’Hara's email to Corinna: Imagine is funding $550 leaving PiE needing to fund "up to $75" - all expenses to be submitted via J. O’Hara.)

      Would be in the library (not signed out)
      Kids could use it during library time, after school, or maybe during classroom time
      Teachers are excited about this opportunity
      Materials will be available to all kids, not limited to Imagine students after school

3. K-2+ - Ali Karmosky, Kate Myhre, Miranda Johnson: Seating Options/Attention & Mindfulness training $650
      Presented in-person by Ali Douglas

      APPROVED "up to $650"

      Additional seating options for students giving them movement options
      Stadium cushions, disco seat/ sit cushion, stepping stools, yoga ball or peanut ball
      Group will train students and teachers on how to use items
      Discussed adding bar codes (from library) to track items as they move throughout the school

4. K-8 - Danielle Sertz, Niel Maurer: Amplifier and cords  $500
      Presented by Kristin Miskavage on behalf of applicants

      APPROVED "up to $500"

      Would use during classroom time, graduation, and performances

5. 7-8 - Tom Darling, Barb Spaulding: Sewing machines $400*/T-shirt Project up to $400 / Skating & UVM visit $500 (sub-total: $400-1,300. *may be awarded via NEA grant submitted or private donation.)
      Presented in-person by Barb Spaulding

      APPROVED "up to $400" each for sewing machines and  T-shirt project.  $500 for skating/UVM visit

      Re-established humanity team is teaching life skills
      7th-8th grade represents 20% of school population
      During last year’s UVM trip, several students will exposed to a college environment for the first time

Grants Requested & Approved

Maker Space

Amplifier & cords

Seating Options

Sewing Machines
have a NEA grant request; if approved, PiE will not fund this request
Tshirt project

UVM Trip


Donation from Imagine towards Maker Space
approved by Jeff O’Hara

Motion to approve grants raised by Stacy Riley
Motion was seconded by Kate Doge
Motion approved by group

Grant recipients were notified in person by K. Miskavage and A. Frost on 11/20/15
Grant recipients should work through Finance Committee and Jeff/Allegra to receive approved funding
All grant funds must be applied before the end of the 2015/2016 school year (or the end of the Spring semester)

Holiday Giving Program- Support Needed
Amy Anderson, HCS social worker, has asked for PiE support for HCS families in need during the holiday season.
1.     Request is for gift wrapping supplies: wrapping paper, holiday bags, tags, ribbon, tissue paper, decorative boxes, etc.
2.     Healthy snacks for students over the school break

Aimee Frost to put out collection boxes for requested items and to distribute information to parents via classroom e-newsletters/communication and via social media